50 years of Gaelic Games at Jordanstown/Belfast

50 years of Gaelic Games at Jordanstown.

It’s a club you never leave. The memories, emotions, those moments frozen in time, magic. Most of all the friends for life, that makes all the difference.
Well everyone, just a few weeks away from our big Gala event and the start of our 50th anniversary celebrations.
Thanks for your continued support, especially to all those working behind the scenes to make all this happen. We hope to have a spectacular weekend in the Great Northern.
The response from those individuals and businesses who have generously provided sponsorship has been truly amazing and very humbling. Thanks.
There are still some tickets available but we expect to be closing ticket links within the next few day. On course for a unique gathering of Jordanstown Gaels between 500-600
So if you are intend going, please get your tickets by the end of this month.
Ticket link


Hubert Collins Memorial Golf tournament.
We will shortly email everyone their tee times. If anyone else wanted to please let us know, as places are very limited.


If you have any photos of teams, games, dinner dances, parties or social events and you wish to share them, then please upload to this Google drive. Again please do so within the next few days to give us time.


So most likely this will be the last email on tour Gala event and once again thank you.
If anyone needs to contact us , please do not hesitate to do so.

Remember, names, remembered games,
And always, always that Jersey and your teammates and comrades, friends for life.

By johnfarrell Fri 27th Oct